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The Curriculum

Whitmore’s curriculum comprises the knowledge and skills that all our students access to help them succeed in their future learning, employment and life. The curriculum covers a carefully planned sequence of learning across a broad range of subjects and how we expect these to be taught and assessed. Our curriculum underpins the high ambitions we have for all of our students.  It is much more than preparing students to pass tests or exams; it is about meeting the needs and aspirations of all our students and helping them to become happy, confident young people who contribute positively to society. Our curriculum is delivered by our high quality teaching staff, which was recognised by OFSTED in their inspection.

We ensure all students have the opportunity to study a rich, broad and balanced curriculum Every student has the opportunity to enrich their core of academic subjects with two languages, humanities, creative and practical subjects and physical education.

We have made smaller class sizes a priority. In their first two years, students are taught in classes of twenty-seven or less. GCSE classes are often smaller still.

Subject teachers regularly assess students’ work to monitor progress. Any problems are quickly identified and remedied before greater difficulties set in. Reports are issued three times a year and used to track students’ progress towards challenging, personalised targets, as well as providing details of attendance, punctuality and behaviour. These reports help parents, carers and staff to support all students to achieve their full potential.

Homework forms a crucial part of our curriculum: Year 7 students are expected to complete 1 hour per day. This rises to 1 ½ hours a day in Years 8 and 9 and 2 hours a day by Years 10 and 11. This is an integral part of your child’s learning at Whitmore, and represents an opportunity to develop independent learning skills or to pursue an area of interest.

More able students are given appropriate, challenging work in class. Departments also run a range of enrichment activities and students have the opportunity to take part in masterclasses, local and national competitions and summer schools.

Whitmore students learn in a new, state-of-the-art school, which provides an outstanding environment in which they can develop their talents to the full and grow into mature and responsible members of society.

If you would like further information regarding the curriculum, please contact