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Whitmore's University Fair
On Tuesday 28th February, our school opened its doors to Year 12 students from across the borough and welcomed them to our first University Fair.
Twenty Six universities travelled to talk to students and give advice and guidance on the next stage in their education and future career. The number of students attending surpassed all expectations with approximately 700 students passing through the fair. They had the opportunity of attending talks on: Student Finance, STEM Careers, Applications to Medicine and Dentistry, Oxbridge Applications and Degree Apprenticeships.
Mr Gareth Thomas, MP, supported the school in organising and promoting the event and also attended the fair and we are very grateful for his participation.
The feedback from the Universities that attended was overwhelmingly positive and they were impressed by the quality of the questions our students asked. Some of their comments are below:
‘Students were well prepared for the event and were able to ask pertinent and intelligent questions about studying at University’.
‘What a lovely group of students, they were enthusiastic and motivated to get the best possible education and future’.
Report from a Year 12 student
An Evening of Opportunity – Whitmore’s University Fair
Prospective university students gathered to discuss the possible pathways offered after A Levels. University representatives attended from as far as Oxford, Cambridge, Leeds, Liverpool, as well as local representatives from Queen Mary and Brunel. Students from Whitmore, and other schools within the Harrow borough, were able to individually talk to the representatives to gain insight into what each university offers, such as work placements, as well as formulate a fair judgement as to what the university experience will be like.
For many students there was the reassurance of the wide range of courses available. One BTEC student stated that he was surprised and delighted to discover the amount of opportunities that he is able to embark on. In addition to this, several students found the university fair to be an eye-opener, as they were able to converse with university students and graduates about the necessary changes from being a sixth former to being an undergraduate. They gained knowledge and certainty as to what career path they wanted to pursue and also inspiration and confidence in regards to applying to their dream university.
There were numerous talks, including the process of applying to Oxford and Cambridge. The possibilities arising from working in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) sector, were given in a talk by a remarkably successful and truly inspiring individual: Elizabeth Linder. An ex-student of Whitmore, who came as a representative of Leeds University, delivered an informative presentation on the procedure of applying for student finance.
Overall, the students found this to be an informative and amazing event. With 26 universities attending, each individual student took something positive away from the fair that will assist them in applying to universities and ultimately fulfilling their potential.
Sarah Alfathlee (12DO)
The invitation to attend the University Fair was also extended to Year 11 students and their parents and one student’s comments are below:
Year 11 Report
I felt that the University Fair was helpful and informative, as I was able to better understand the qualities that various universities look for in an applicant. I was also able to discover the wide range of courses available at university, and which A level subjects were preferable for each course. The ‘Applying to Oxford/Cambridge’ talk was also very useful, in terms of clearing up many preconceptions I had about what it took to get into universities of that calibre. I used to believe, like many others, that only the most prodigious and exceptional students could get into Oxford and Cambridge, but whilst they do want good grades, what they actually look for is a passion for your subject and the ability to apply yourself. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to go to the University Fair and I hope you organise it again next year.
Nousheen Ahmed – Year 11 student.
Ms V Sullivan – Careers Coordinator