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Examination Results

2024 Examination Results

Year 11


Congratulations to all our 2024 GCSE students for their fantastic results.

28% of the students achieved 5 or more Grades 7-9s versus 22% nationally

81% of the students achieved 5 or more grades 4-9 versus 81% nationally

52% of the students achieved strong passes (9-5) in both English and maths

80 students who have 5 or more 7-9s, more than 25% of the whole cohort

Progress 8 = +0.8 which is significantly above National Average, and puts the school in the 94th Percentile

91% of the students were entered for the English Baccalaureate which is significantly above National Average.

The English Baccalaureate Average Point Score = 5.5, is well above the National Average and shows the school's strong performance across English, maths, sciences, languages, and history/geography

The Attainment 8 score is 54.5 points, which is significantly higher than the National Average

99% of the students finishing KS4 stayed on in Education or entered Employment or Training


Year 13


Well done to all our 2024 A Level and BTEC students for another set of impressive results.

30% of the results were A*/ A

73% of the results were A*- B

100% of the results were A*- C

94% of the BTEC Sport cohort achieved a Distinction*

92% of the BTEC Health and Social Care Cohort achieved a Distinction *

6th Form students who have not achieved a grade 4 or higher in GCSE English/maths are required to retake and make good progress.

Almost all students progress to university, continue in other education or training, or move onto employment at the end of Year 13.