We regard homework as a crucial part of the school's curriculum. It is an integral part of the work carried out in school and also an opportunity to develop independent learning and further a particular interest or enthusiasm. Perhaps the greatest benefit to be gained from homework is the ability to work alone with the minimum of guidance. Habits of hard work, self-discipline and independent study become more important as students move up the school.
Year 7 students are expected to complete 1 hour of homework a day. This amount of homework rises to 1 1/2 hours a day in Years 8 and 9, and 2 hours a day in Years 10 and 11. A homework timetable is issued to parents and students at the start of the year, and all students have aplanner to help the record and organise their homework. The planner is also used as the home-school link book where parents and teachers can communicate with each other.
A staffed homework club is available after school in the library and open to all students. Departments also provide support for homework.