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On the last day of the Autumn Term, we held our annual Dragons’ Den competition for Year 7 and 8. This gave our students the opportunity to come up with creative business ideas and pitch these to a panel of judges made up of staff and students. Each team had to create an eco-friendly juice drink that was commercially viable. Every form took part and the standard of entries was very high. Well done to all the teams and their tutors for coming up with some great ideas and imaginative presentations! We were really impressed with all the entries which showed real commitment, energy, strong planning and great team work.
It was a difficult job to choose the finalists, who were:
Year 7: Fresh n Fruity (7AJR), Asano (7NXA) and Call of the Wild (7ICG)
Year 8: Refreshed (8HRB), Cruise (8JAB), Fruitify (8JAW) and Colour Blast (8HRB)
Each finalist made a presentation to the panel of judges and were quizzed on a range of topics such as costs, profitability, unique selling point, packaging and target market. All the teams performed exceptionally well and the judges were very impressed with the quality of their presentations and answers to questions. It was a tough decision to choose the winning team and a ‘Star Performer’ for each year group. The final results were as follows:
Year 7:
Winning Team: Asano (7NXA)
Star performer: Devesh (7ICG). Harjot (7NXA) was also highly commended.
Year 8:
Winning Team: Fruitify (8JAW)
Star performer: Medhuja (8HRB). Adam (8JAW) was also highly commended.
Well done to the winners and all the students who took part. It just shows what a fantastic pool of talent exists at Whitmore High School! Thank you to all the students, tutors and judges who helped to make this such an enjoyable and fun experience.