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Posted on: January 25th 2018

Year 7 Dragons' Den

Last term all of Year 7 took part in the Dragons’ Den challenge. Students were put intoDragons den 2 teams in their forms and were given the task of creating a healthy drink product. Each team had two weeks to create and present their ideas along with research into ingredients, packing and a unique selling point to help market their drink. When it came to selecting teams for the final, seven teams were chosen to present their ideas to the final Dragons’ Den panel on the last day of term.

Each team had a short time to make improvements to their presentation and were Dragons den 3given time slots to present their work to the Dragons. On the last day of term each team arrived at the allotted time and had to wait outside before being allowed to enter and present to the Dragons. The Library had been transformed into the Dragons’ Den, where each team was greeted by a panel of 5 Dragons from the Yr12 Business course and Mr Newham. Each team then had 10 minutes to present their ideas and also answer some very challenging questions from all the Dragons about their ideas, ranging from resourcing ingredients,Dragons den 4 packaging, logo designs all the way to marketing and projected sales figures.

The Dragons were extremely impressed by the quality of every team’s presentations, and the detail in which they answered questions about their products. After all the teams had presented, the Dragons discussed who they felt had presented the most creative and realistic product and who had answered their questions with the Dragons den 5most realistic and practical answers. The Dragons were blown away by the high standard on show from the finalists, but there could only be one winner. The winning team was ‘Tropical Holiday’ with their exotic fruit juice drink. On the right are some slides from their presentation.

Mr Newham

One of the students summed up their experience of the day.

‘We were very nervous but excited to present our idea to the Dragons. Walking into the room was a bit of a shock when we saw 5 Dragons sitting at a long table looking at us. The presentation went well, but the Dragons’ questions were extremely hard, and I did struggle to answer some but my team helped me out. Overall the competition was a lot of fun, especially working with my team and to present our ideas to the Dragons.’ Ayman Sirham 7WI




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