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Christmas Community Work Programme in Year 12
Christmas has always been a time of year which brings out the most charitable side of people. However, this year things are different. This year we have become truly aware of the importance of helping others, and the value of community spirit. Our desire to help others has never been more apparent in light of Covid and the devastating effect it has had on so many people.
And in that vain, our Year 12 students came out to support the most vulnerable members of our community this season. We have worked with Harrow council and London Community Kitchen where our year 12 students signed up to pack food parcels which will be distributed to homeless people in and around Harrow. We had a huge turnout with 55 students signing up to be part of this wonderful initiative. Additionally, students were asked to create note cards, with small messages of hope and support for the recipients.
Our year 12 students showed off their creative skills with these beautiful note cards. The winners of the best, most creative note were awarded with prizes presented to them by staff from London Community Kitchen and Councillor Graham Henson. The winners, Jamila and Asmi , were given hampers and digital art pens for their efforts!
Thank you to our Year 12 students who spent their time and efforts to help so many people. We will be organising other charitable projects in the future for our Year 12 students.
If you are interested in finding out more about the work of London Community Kitchen and what you can do to help, please go to: www.crowdfunder.co.uk/christmas-for-everyone