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Posted on: December 2nd 2021

Student Council Elections 2021

This term, Whitmore students in Years 7 to 13, each had the opportunity to be elected by their peers to represent them and their views on the Student Council.

Student councils are an important and useful way for students to improve their leadership and at Whitmore we are keen to ensure that our students are provided with opportunities to participate fully in both school and society. The Student Council is valuable because it teaches young people about democracy, local and global citizenship and accountability.

The Whitmore Student Council is made up of one representative from each Year Group. Each lead representative acts as a voice on behalf of the students within their year group. Additionally, each Year group has its own sub-committee, with 12 students (one from each form plus two chosen by the Head of Year) that work alongside their year lead. Year 12 members will be given the opportunity to lead one of the KS3 or KS4 year council meetings to allow them to continue to develop their leadership skills.

The students were first taught how to write a manifesto to engage their peers in directed key topics. These were then delivered to their forms and voting commenced! It was an eventful week, known now as “Voting Week”. Wonderful manifestos were presented by all students that took part. Their manifestos had to talk about what they wanted to develop further in the school, with a focus on Diversity, Environment and Climate change, Care in the community or Respect for others.

We are very proud of how the students have approached being involved with student council, they are clearly very proud of their school community and we are very much looking forward to working with all of them.

The winning student council lead member for each year group are as follows;

School council leads 1




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