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Posted on: March 26th 2024

Bugsy Malone

Thank you to everyone who supported all the students who took part in the whole school production of Bugsy Malone just before Easter. These included students from Art who painted the back drop, performers, musicians, lighting and stage managers. Also, thank you to all the teachers who supported the Music and Drama departments as well as the parents, carers, family members and students who came to see the show. It was a great success and a testament to what the performing arts is really about; bringing students together from Year 7 – Year 13 in an exciting and positive experience.


Student reflections:

Three Sixth Form students had the opportunity to take part in Bugsy Malone, with many ex-students returning to play in the orchestra. Avish in Year 12 on saxophone, Arjun in Year 13 on electric guitar and I played bass guitar. Mr. Hau (Head of Music) conducted the orchestra.

“This was a great experience and considering the fact I am going off to do a music degree, this was really eye-opening and gave me an important understanding regarding playing with live performers on stage. It was a real honour to be able to play bass guitar as part of an orchestra, and I think it is essential for us to enjoy nights out with live music. In a world where streamed music is number 1, there is no harm in seeing music played live, especially when it is enjoyed along with a theatrical experience. I also enjoyed interacting and playing with my band mates, where playing music together with others is great for building relationships with as many people as possible.”

Elijah Year 13, Musician


“Bugsy Malone was overall a joyful experience for me. It was fun rehearsing with the cast. The cast were fun and supportive and the teachers were super. Acting was just a part of this fun adventure. The production was wonderful but the cast were the best. I enjoyed making friends and having fun with others. Overall, it felt sad to be doing this for the last time, but it was worth it. Can’t wait to join next years show. I am looking forward to all of this again.”

Mishka, Year 8 - Audition singer

“I really appreciate having had the opportunity to be in Bugsy Malone. It was really fun working with the cast, which has left lots of really amazing memories. Thank you for casting me as Blousey, which enabled me to learn a lot from this role.”

Onaly, Year 9 - Lead actor






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