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Posted on: May 17th 2024

Anti-Bullying Bake Sale

On 17th May our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABA) organised and ran a bake sale to raise all school awareness of our commitment to Anti-Bullying.

“We made cakes and brought in cookies, brownies and other sorts of sugary treats and raised £171.74. This money will be split between the Anti-Bullying Alliance Charity and go towards our ABA Tree! This is a permanent reminder of all we do to combat anti-bullying. Many of our ABAs helped to run the sale and lots of students and staff bought our bakes and were handed the WHS Anti-Bullying Guide that the ABAs wrote. These guides are also available at student services and in the library.” Heeya, Year 7

A huge thank you to all who helped and supported the event. We look forward to running more bake sales and continuing to raise awareness both within and outside the school.
