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Whitmore's National Champion Natalia takes Gold again!
Natalia competed at the Pat Wade Acrobatic Gymnastics National Championships on the first weekend in February. With her partners, she came away with the gold medal and scored the highest artistry score of the weekend! Below is Natalia’s account of the weekend.
“This past weekend, I competed at the National Acro Competion. This was a very important competition and there were people from all over England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales competing as well as lots of successful clubs attending. The national coach sat and watched all of the routines. I was extremely nervous because it was not only the first competition of the season but also my first competition with lots of new moves and routines. We had to compete both our routines on the same day.”
“We arrived at the venue in Stoke-on-Trent at 8am in full kit . We competed our dynamic routine first which included six somersaulting or twisting elements and a tumble. Our dynamic routine is very fast dance to upbeat music and it has lots of lifts in it. We were very happy with how well we performed. Our dynamic score was 26.53 out of 30, which is an amazing score to have earned this early in the competition. We finished this round in 1st place but still had our balance routine to go.”
“Around 11am, we started our balance warm up. We have to act a lot in our balance routine as it’s a very dark, expressive routine. We wear black leotards and have a lot of bendy and flexible choreography to fit in with the creepy music. We all love this routine and with it being so unique, we were anxious to perform it and do the routine justice. There was added pressure and excitement as the choreographer for our routine was also watching and our coach always spoke highly of our dance in this routine. All our hard work paid off as we scored an incredible 27.76. Our artistry score for this routine was 9.06 out of 10, the highest score of the whole competition. Needless to say we were over the moon!”
“We came first in our category (11-16 women’s group) winning gold medals, a fantastic start to the season ready to compete again next weekend!”
Natalia came 1st the following weekend at the King Edmund Bristol International too. A huge well done!