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Posted on: June 28th 2019

PE Rewards Trip to Matilda!

On the 15th May, Miss Prest, Miss Wright and Mr Manners set off with 30 students into Matilada 1Central London to see the Musical production of Matilda. These fabulous students were selected due to their long term commitments to extra-curricular clubs at Whitmore and their contributions towards the gymnastics, trampolining and dance teams this academic year. For many students, this was their first outing to the theatre - what an amazing show it was to see! Matilda has a cast predominantly made up of young children. It was very inspiring to see what can be achieved through dance, gymnastics and singing when you commit to practising so hard. The PE department are very proud of these students and are excited to see them performing on the stage in the future.

Matilada 2







Matilada 3





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