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A Level & BTEC Results
The Head of 6th Form, John Badu Amoah, said “Congratulations to all of our Year 13 students for a fantastic set of A Level and BTEC results again this year. A huge thank you to the students, teachers and parents for their work and support. The students are off to start their higher education and apprenticeships, an exciting time for them; I know they will be a credit to the school.” Read on for the reactions of students on results day…
Fahim Nouri Nasir
(Maths A*; Further Maths A*; Computer Science A*) Computer Science at Kings College London.
“The two years I have spent at Whitmore have been amazing and have contributed heavily towards my personal growth and development – you can do anything you set your mind to.”
Dinay Halai
(Maths A*; Further Maths A*; Computer Science A*) Computer Science at the University of Manchester.
“Getting these grades is astonishing – A Levels were made easier due to the guidance and support from my teachers and fellow students. The hard work was definitely worth it!”
Emma Fair
(Maths A*; Further Maths A*; Biology A*; Chemistry A) Biomedical Sciences at Anglia Ruskin University.
“I am grateful for every teacher’s support and belief in me and that they never allowed me to settle for anything less than the best. The hard work never ends and I may have to leave Whitmore, but I have been equipped with the confidence and skills to find my new community in Cambridge.
Madison Nelson
(Maths A*; Further Maths A*; Computer Science A*; History B) Computer Science at Queen Mary University.
“After such a long time, I have reached the end of my 7 years at Whitmore with some results that make all of the hard work worth it. I am thankful for all my teachers for ensuring that I reach my full potential.”
Giuliana Tritto
(English Literature A*; Music A*; Ancient History A) Music at the University of Oxford.
“Thanks to Whitmore’s unrelenting support and high expectations, I get to pursue a course that I initially thought was a distant dream. I am especially grateful to the Music and English departments at Whitmore for being my greatest supporters!”
Alex Ampah
(BTEC Sport and Leisure Level 3 D*D*D) Gap year.
“I am so glad I made the choice to come to Whitmore – I am grateful for all the support from members of staff and the opportunities that have been made available to me during my time here.
Mia Newberry
(Sociology A*; English Literature A; Psychology A) Psychology at the University of Leeds.
“I am extremely grateful for how hard the teachers at Whitmore have pushed me to achieve my ultimate best and for all the effort and perseverance that I have displayed as a result of the continuous motivation they instil in their students. I am excited to embark on a new journey beyond Whitmore!”
Angelina Peres
(Maths A; Biology A; Chemistry B) Medicine at the University of East Anglia.
“The support offered by teachers at Whitmore pushed me to be the best I could possibly be, and it was much easier getting through the last 7 years knowing that they were always in my corner. I am very grateful for the opportunities they provided me throughout my time here.”
Sahil Balani
(Maths A*; Further Maths A*; Economics A*; Extended Project A) Economics at the University of Bath.
“My time at Whitmore has been the best 7 years of my life. I am forever grateful to all of my teachers, staff and friends I’ve made along the way.”
David Molander
(History A*; Maths A*; Ancient History A) Archaeology at the University of Manchester.
“Throughout my 7 years at Whitmore I have received so much encouragement and support from my teachers. The school pushes students to reach their full potential and for that I am very grateful.”
Siddhant Mohapatra
(Maths A*; Further Maths A*; Physics A; Computer Science A) Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of Berkeley, California.
“Thank you to all my teachers who have relentlessly supported me and helped me – they have gone out of their way to answer all of my countless questions! My time at Whitmore High School has been an unforgettable experience – I wouldn’t have achieved these grades if it wasn’t for everyone who supported me at Whitmore.”