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Posted on: October 16th 2024

Whitmore takes home the Gold in Borough Trampolining Competition

"Whitmore Triumphs at Harrow Trampolining Competition"

On 16th October, a group of talented students Cariad, Matthew, Simoirae-Star, Demi-Lea, Marley, Natalia, Milly, and Mabli represented Whitmore at the Harrow Trampolining Competition. The team has been working hard this term, focusing on improving the difficulty and execution of their routines.

The team’s final score was made up of the four highest individual scores, with Demi-Lea, Matthew, Cariad, and Natalia contributing to a silver medal finish for the Whitmore team!

Special mentions go to Matthew, who came in 2nd place in the Year 10 boys' final, and Milly and Mabli, who took silver and gold respectively in the Year 9 girls' finals. A huge congratulations also goes to Natalia, who claimed gold in the Year 11 girls' final.

This marks our best set of scores to date! Well done to all the students for their outstanding efforts and performances.

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