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Posted on: October 27th 2017

STEM Talk during Year 10 Assembly

On Tuesday 26th September, Miss Watson and Mrs Bharadawa invited a guest speaker, Sarah Booth from Brunel University to give us an inspirational talk in our assembly about the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) subjects.

Sarah gave us an insight in to how STEM can be found in every aspect of our life. For example; most of us have a Smartphone, which is a form of technology that requires computer programming to make it work. Also, travelling by a bus or a car, is supported by modern technology. She made us realise that we are constantly surrounded by Stem talk 1STEM (subjects) and how it can be used to solve global problems. Interestingly, a student at Brunel had developed a machine which can turn what we think as annoying little crickets into something useful:- flour, and how students are programming electric cars. These brilliant innovations could heavily contribute to solving hunger problems as well as living a sustainable lifestyle, as we can begin to use less energy in our daily life activities. Sarah was engaging and passionate about these topics that are so close to home for all of us.

Sarah talked about how as GCSE students this is our prime time to work as hard as possible to our full potential to gain the highest academic levels possible. This is time to be thinking about what the future might hold for us if we grasp onto the right opportunities, which can be going to university and engaging with these magnificent programmes. These are the chances that Brunel University provides for talented and enthusiastic young people. She challenged us all to think a little differently, try to relate our chosen subjects to STEM and to absorb as much as possible to expand our knowledge. Sarah had highlighted that we are the future generation and it will soon be us in sixth form, colleges and universities . As a result, the work done now is the key to getting those golden Stem talk 2opportunities in life.

Some students provided their feedback:

"It was one of the best assemblies because it showed me how STEM subjects can turn something as inconvenient as a cricket into flour, which is extremely interesting and innovative! I enjoyed how they can be linked to anything in my life actually."

"I found it very informative to know what Brunel University offers for its students and how hands-on they are on their projects." By Zuaria Chowdhury (10 BA)




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